Gaming News

Well on this page you will be able to see some gaming news that does not wuite make our front page, additional information that you might find interesting and just general facts. Enjoy.

Crysis 3 the next installment in the Crysis series from Crytek and looks better than ever, we'll be able to provide more information as it comes.

As you can see below in the 'Halo 4 Gaming news' post, 343 Industries have decided to do what nay other gaming companies are deciding to do, which is give a season pass available for certain customers who bu the game as a limited edition or from certain retailers. These season passes have nearly always included map packs that you will receive at a discounted price ( for paying early) and generally some additional content, such as armour, guns, skins, characters or something else in game. -From what we understand this is to make a higher revenue on game sales quicker, so people spend $100 or £90 or so on the game rather than $50 or £40 instead, so the game developers can make a quick return.

Other games to do this were Gears of War 3 and L.A. noire, Amongst others.

Below is the Gears of War 3 Limited Edition pack that featured a season pass.

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