Wednesday 1 August 2012

UK's Game rating's change

For years now the PEGI and BBFC have been working co-operatively to bring Game ratings to the UK

Today it has been announced that PEGI is now going to be the only Game ratings developer in the whole of the United kingdom.

All this means mainly is that there are more guidelines to parents on Content in games and there are no longer 15+ rated games and instead 16+ games.

What this also means is that under age gamers will not be able to buy older games in the UK because anyone now found selling older games to their under aged customers could be fined at least £5000.

This means that game ratings are no longer created by volunteers and are now legally enforced. This could also mean that some ratings to games may change based on their content.

For those outside the UK this is not much news but to all younger gamers out there it will now be impossible to buy older games in the UK without a guardians consent.

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