Tuesday 5 June 2012

Battlefield 3 Armoured Kill and close quarters DLC

Yesterday E3 gave us a real treat by giving more details on Battlefield 3's tow new Expansions that are the Close Quarters DLC and Armoured Kill.

Right now the Close Quarters DLC is available for Premium subscribers on PS3 and on Xbox next week.

The armoured Kill DLC is said to be a large map pack that adds more vehicles and large areas where you can go mad on Tank to tank combat as well as Jet dog fights and so on.

Then there will be the Aftermath DLC which will be arriving in December which will be a survival based game-type that will either be single player or four player co-op.

The final DLC will be End Game which  has had no information out yet but should be a great DLC to play.

All these DLC's can be bought 2 weeks early as well as the Back to Karkand DLC with the Battlefield Premium Pack which is available now and can be seen below.

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