Saturday 29 September 2012

Total War: Rome II

After quite a few years since the original release of Total War: Rome and its expansion pack 'Barbarian Invasion' and various other Total War titles like Napoleon, Empire and the highly prestigious Shogun 2 (which on Steam has just been updated to work with Community created content in the Steam Workshop and with new Team Fortress 2 promotion items) the Total War franchise prepares to welcome Total War: Rome 2 which takes the player back to the same age as the original 'Rome' game. As well as the nostalgia trip the game also gives the player a far superior game engine to play on.
  Recently the gameplay trailer for Total War: Rome II has been released.

Take a gander at this!

Friday 28 September 2012

Xbox: My achivements

Recently Microsoft has announced that you can now get rewards for hiving high gamerscores.

You can earn these rewards by signing up to MyAchievements and you will be rewarded depending on how many of the three tiers you fit into as seen below.
If you get over 3000g you will earn a special reward on your birthday and the extra two Tiers will give you either a 1 or 2% re-bait on all downloadable content you get each month.

As well as this rewards will allow you to take in all kinds of contests and promotions which could lead to you getting anything from free points to digital content depending on your gamerscore.

To get My achievements sign up here if you wish to take part.

Halo 4 Flood

Recently images have been released of Halo 4 with one of which includes three Flood infected Spartans.
It has been noted that you will be able to play as the flood in Halo 4's war games.

As well as this, actual game-play of the new Infection mode has been released showing how the game-play does relate a lot to Infection game types just the infected Spartans have Flood skins.

As well as this new images of the Vehicles, characters, etc can be found on the Halo 4 fan page here
And game-play of war-games as well as part of the Intro to Halo 4 can be seen on Grenskulls channel
Finally some more new screenshots can be found here on master chiefs fan page.

From these images the game looks great and all of us at GBS are very much looking forward to the new game.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

New slimmer PS3

Today we see the new Slimmer PS3 that has been announced to be coming out in the next two weeks which you can get in either Black or white.
No details have been given on the price but from other sources we learn that this PS3 loses 20% of the weight from the former Slim version and holds all the same ports as before.

This PS3 though has its Disk drive above and does not include a motor powered tray opener and instead opens on the top by sliding the right panel to show the disk tray.

Because the Disk tray is now closer the shell it now creates a bit more noise like the Xbox 360 but should harm your gaming experience.

Another down side to this design is that it cannot play original PS2 games which may PS fans were hoping for, the plastic top also looks unsuitable since such a basic tray opener can break easily.

As well as this the design has lost most of its sleek/smooth look that is seen in previous PS3's because of the new tray and basically just looks like the original PS2 slim and PS3 combined.

as well as this the new tray opener is not as smooth as the originals because its basically downgraded Tech but would work if you place it on its side.

Finally this version only has a basic composite cable unlike the Xbox and Wii which allow you to have HD play without a HDMI.

Overall this is a good buy since its cheaper but it just depends if you want to pay less by losing out on the normal versions features.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Halo 4 Spoilers and past news

Recenlty leaks have appeared on the latest Halo making of video showing parts of the Script which have now been decoded.
Information has also been read from pages show on of the latest halo Novel "A Thursday War".

(So if you wish to avoid spoilers don't read on and skip to past the first video).

The leak starts by telling us that chief starts by waking from Cryo sleep to find the covenant boarding Forward Unto Dawn to get information on a forerunner weapons cache which is on the Shield world of Requiem.

These covenant are also looking for an ancient lonely surviving forerunner called Didact who they believe to be a God and who is locked away on Requiem and will soon be awakened wither by chief or the Covenant.

Didact is now said to be the main enemy in Halo 4. he was said to fight the flood originally and also tried to destroy all of Humanity during the fight against the flood and so was locked in a supposedly never ending sleep on requiem guarded supposedly by the Promethean s.

He is said to never be wakened but now has done so and finds, of course the Humans, covenant and Promethean's, (who are supposedly keeping him and the cache locked away) leading to to a fight between him and the Covenant against the Promethean's and humans  in yet another huge war. well the Promethean's are killing the humans as well. so basically its all down to Chief (Again).

We also know that Cortana is deteriorating since her long time alone and now has to ability to create more versions of herself. She will now also get help from Halsey (who survived reach and is now on requiem) by trying to keep her alive. How she made it off Reach alive is not given but we can guess that Jun may also be returning, possibly as a Spartan 4

The leak finally ends with a battle at the guessed end where there is a face off between Cortana and chief against  Diadact which the script describes as followed.

Didact: "Compassion for mankind is misplaced."

Chief: "I'm not doing this for mankind." Chief then charges at Didact.

Cortana rushes towards Didact and jumps all over him (legs, arms, chest, back).
Several takes of "Cortana" tackling and climbing on random objects at full speed.

Didact is attacked by Cortana. He attempts to swat at Cortana as a means of self defence.

Didact unclenches his fist and drops Chief.

So so far all we know is that Cortana is dying and chief now has a new enemy Diact who it will be interesting to see how 343 actually depict the forerunners who we have not actually seen apart from in Halo Legends so far.

To see the script look at 3:55 on this video

Alos if you look at the screen at 2:55 you can see they have also brought back the Fuel Rod gun in Halo 4.

What we also know from PAX is that the Jet pack will be returning as well as in CTF gametypes you can now run faster with the flags and carry a small side-arms weapon with the flag.

343 Have also edited Oddball and griffball by making it so you can throw and catch the ball as well as hit it with Gravity hammers and automatically take it off people by using the sword.

They have also added Ball and flag assassinations which look amazing and will add a great addition to multiplayer but i can see that ball assassinations will go on too long in Griffball leading to your death as well as I can guess the this new throwing option will lead to a huge online game of Piggy in the middle...

For Griffball to work a new hangar has been added to one of the three forge worlds which is UNSC in design but mainly the same shape as the Colosseum in forge world on Halo Reach.

Other information includes new weapons such as the Forerunner Bolt gun and stickler pistol which now gets rid of the grenade launcher.

A rail gun has also been added which is a bit less powerful than a Spartan laser but the laser is still in the game.

Another new weapon is the Saw which is a large gun used to take out enemies at range and at a fast pace.

other UNSC weapons returning include the Shotgun, sniper, Magnum, Laser, DMR, BR, Assault rifle and Mounted turret.

All these weapons can be seen below:

Or if you prefer Dubstep:

As well as this 343 have announced specializations which mean that you can pick different classes which each have their own mods, skins and armour which you unlock after getting to level 50.
More info on specializations can be found in the video below as well as information on Two toned visors.

Finally an image has been given by Halorbit showing most of the new Halo 4 helmets which can be seen below.

Overall the game looks amazing and I really hope that the new additions and especially Specializations don't muck up the multiplayer.