Thursday 31 May 2012

New Dawnguard DLC Trailer + Info

Today the new Dawnguard DLC trailer ha been released for Skyrim as seen below:
                                                    (For anyPictures Click to enlarge)
This DLC will cost 1600 microsoft points and will possible will be in one of the three realms of Hammerfell, Morrowind or Cyrodiil as previously leaked. Or it could just be based in skyrim since it showed Whitetun being affected near the end of the trailer.

(Beware the ideas announced in this blog could possibly be spoilers)

From the trailer we can see a new Vampire cult that is in constant battle with the Dawnguard. This means you will have to choose sides and do some epic quests to defeat either side. The main thing we see is that you can become some sort of 'ultimate vampire' if you join the Cult which you will also have to defeat.

From this we can see that you will possibly be able to control bats to kill enemies and it seems that the vampire has some sort of blade coming from his hands which could mean that the combat could be similar to that of a warewolf.
Also if you look in more detail you see one of these vampires suddenly turn into a whole swarm of bats which could be used while actually playing as this 'mega vampire'.
The trailer also shows that you can just go up to people and feed unlike a normal vampire.

From the trailer we also see two main strongholds (One owned by either side), one is surreal and much like that of a old tales of kings - a royal high palace -, and another deamony type stronghold which the Cult may summon or they may even have it in their own vampire type realm like oblivion but its much darker and menacing than Oblivion.

Vampire stronghold;

Dawnguard stronghold;

New realm stronghold;

As well as this we see that the Eldar scrolls will be appearing in the game as a major part since that is what the Vampire cult wants to get to change the universe and plunge Tamriel into darkness with the removal of the sun so all vampires can roam the land and wreak havoc. From this we can estimate that if you choose the cult then this will happen and the earth will be forever darkened but if you join Dawnguard then life will presume and the evil will be vanquished.

As well as this we also see that several new creatures will be appearing which as we see the picture on the left seems to be a kind of gargoyle that will come alive and attack you when your walking around dungeons as well as the Cult stronghold (most likely).

What we also see to the right seems to be some kind of frost Ogre or minotour that will probably be quite hard to defeat if your a low level but should have the same health or more of a normal giant.

As well as this we see that the falmer will be returning in the trailer and with that we may also be learning a lot more about the dwemer.
These pictures suggest that the DLC may be in Skyrim or it could be north of Cyrodiil or maybe Morrowind.

We also see a dragon plunge into water which could suggest that dragons now go fishing or that they are now becoming so comfortable with the terrain that they can produce more devastating attacks as well as attack people trying to swim out of harms way. This could also be seen that maybe dragons can now shout underwater making them much more deadly.
Another thing shown in the trailer is that Crossbows will be used as we announced in an earlier post.

These crossbows will be added in the DLC and you will also be able to use weapons on horseback as seen below which will be added in patch 1.6
As you can see from the female in the image on the left there seems to be new armour. As standard.

As we can see from the image on the right there seems to be some kind of Deamon Horse and not like shadowmere. It seems possible that we may be able to cunjure horses at will and do all kinds of damage. What we also see in the picture is the Cults realm that i talked about earlier that you will probably have to enter for a quest to either defeat Dawnguard or the cult.

As for armour we can see that there will be a lot more sets of clothing and armour for you to collect as well as there will be of course a whole lot more of weapons to choose and I only hope their better than Deadric.
And as well as new armour for your own back, you can -from the looks of things- equip your horse with armour. Oh goody.

Overall this new DLC will be huge because of how much it costs and hopefully Bethesda can keep up more equally or even better than this DLC  in the coming future.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Hearth fire

Recently Bethesda has trademarked the name Hearth spire which could possibly be the next DLC for skyrim

New Lord of the rings Arena game

Recently F.E.A.R and Monolith productions have anounced "Guardians of Middle earth" which is a multiplayer online battle areana or MOBA Style game which you will soon be able to buy off Xbox live and the Playstation network.

In game you will be able to play as 20 playable characters from the LOTR universe which include older characters such as Gandalf, Golum and more. Each character fights in a 5v5 arena with similar game style to League of legends.

The game is also said to be linked in to the latest Hobbit movie so it will be fun to see characters from the Hobbit and The lord of the rings collide in an epic Battle arena.

More info on this game will be given soon after the info is given to the public or Leaked

Tuesday 29 May 2012

$300 Forza Motorsport 4 Xbox Bundle

For all you racing fans out there.

Recently the New Forza Motorsport 4 Xbox bundle has been announced. This will feature A 250gb Xbox slim as well as a wireless steering whell and copy of Forza Motorsport 4

This pack will cost $300 when released which is in the UK is £191

This is a limited edition Bundle so make sure to pre order and grab yours quickly after release.

Updates to the Blog

As you may have noticed the blog is changing around slightly, this is purely ascetic. The problem is that I have noticed. On the Google Chrome internet browser there is no problem with the Page navigation bar previously at the top of the page. However I have noticed there was a problem with the bar on Internet explorer. All the writing was bunched together at the end. So I have moved the navigation bar to the right hand side of the blog, to give it more space. This means it will look all the nicer as we get more pages on this blog.


GameBoxStudios on Minecraft?

Yes, that is correct. Very soon GameBoxStudios will be on Minecraft making things outta blocks like the millions of people out there. So you can look forward to that!

Halo 4

After months of trickled information and minimalist reveals, Halo 4 will finally get some spotlight at the E3 press conference. Expect to learn more about the campaign, especially the new threat, and the more personal story of Master Chief. In addition, we’re expecting to finally play Spartan Ops co-op stories, as well as the new competitive multiplayer mode, Infinity. So actually Halo 4 looks like one of the most mind-blowing things to be hitting the Xbox this year. Yum

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

Let's be brutally honest, there is the concern that Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 could simply be a glorified map pack with a very minimalist campaign. But purely because it is a Call of Duty franchise it would still sell at the blink of an eye. However Treyarch are including some brand new features to the game and it will be a little different from the rest of the franchises. It will jump from 1970 to 1980 to 2025 so you will be in comfortable in your familiar Call of Duty territory and then jump off into the future to fight un-manned air craft and all that techy stuff. However there is also the promise of horses so that should be... different.


Monday 28 May 2012

Lost Planet 3

Lost Planet 3 has surprised me actually, don't get me wrong you are still wandering around the taundra in mech suits and fighting gargantuan monstrosities and some particularly angry people but CAPCOM have made a leap and a bound in it's hybrid system of both first and third person shooting as well as the focus on the main character. All I can hope is that the brand new game in the series plays as well as it looks.


Saturday 26 May 2012

Halo 4 concept art

Two new Concept art Images have appeared from a new Concept art theme that was released on may 23rd of may this year.

The images are displayed below

Ghost Recon - Future Soldier

It's been a good five years since I stepped onto the battlefield with a full-fledged "Ghost Recon" game, cruising through the skies with "Advanced Warfighter 2." Since that time, Ubisoft's been putting the finishing touches on its latest chapter, "Future Soldier," only to run into delays and forcing its release date to move a few months. Well, the time for delays is over, as the finished product has finally worked its way to store shelves. Now the question is, has this long wait been worth it?

In "Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier," you start out as part of a unit running an infiltration on a weapons rig. However, after taking down all the responsible parties, the team is wiped out by a sudden bomb explosion. From there, the perspective changes over to another team, the Ghosts, are out to find who's responsible for the explosion. It's not the most original plot line in the world, but it sets the pace for what lies ahead.

The action jumps all over the place in "Ghost Recon: Future Soldier." One minute you're on a full infiltration mission, shooting enemies as a team. The next, you're sneaking around with "Predator"-like camo, ensuring that bad guys don't get riled up or sound off an alarm that would bring their friends into the battle. Other sequences are thrown in, too, including ones that put you behind the wheel of a turret (not quite the "Ghost Recon" formula, but we'll forgive it) and great little sequences where you let a well-armed drone do all the dirty work.

Though the scope of it shifts quite a bit, "Future Soldier" never lets up on its tactical action. The gameplay is engaging and thorough, and even gives you the option to shoot enemies through a third-person zoom or a first-person ironsight, however you choose. You also have access to a number of high-tech goods, including tech grenades that can read enemy positions, so you can prep your team accordingly.

In addition, working with your team never feels like a drag, thanks to finely tuned AI and a tag feature that lets you take out squads together, so no one "gets away". You can go at it solo, or have your friends join in for some entertaining co-op, with up to four players partaking in a team. If you need practice working together as a cohesive unit, you can also play in Guerrilla mode, a Horde-like mode where you cap waves of enemies before they get you. Hardly original, but it's fun.

If you're ready to get competitive, "Future Soldier" also introduces a wild multiplayer setup, where you can take on players through a number of modes. I like the look of Conflict personally, mainly because it would seem objectives keep moving around, forcing you to scramble as you get into firefights and try to reach them in a timely manner.

Where "Ghost Recon: Future Soldier" comes up a little short is with the presentation. The graphics aren't horrible by any means, but there are times they look a little unfinished, with some fuzziness in the environments or some of the worst looking civilians I've ever stumbled across. The animations are good otherwise, and the future effects really light up the screen. Likewise, the dialogue between your troops is good, and they give fair indication where your next targets lie, or when someone needs help. The music is all right too, when it kicks up during more tense situations.

Though some may feel that the nature of "Future Soldier" isn't fully based on the "Ghost Recon" legacy - and the graphics aren't as sharp as, say, "Battlefield 3" - there's no doubt it's still a full-fledged war machine. The gameplay holds up significantly, and the multiplayer, both co-op and versus, offer hours of replay value. This is one Future worth going back to.


Harry potter for Kinect

It has recently been announced that the team behind James Bond goldeneye will be working on a new Kinect game based off the Harry potter universe.

Apparently you will be able to scan your face into the game through the Kinect sensor and follow Harry and the gang through the adventures fortold in the original Books and films.

You will be able to do epic wizard battles as well as play Quiddiche.

The game is set to arrive this fall
More details should emerge soon

Happy Birthday Star wars

Today we give a shout out to the 35th Birthday of the first star wars film "A new hope"

Thursday 24 May 2012

Skyrim patch 1.6

It has been announced that Skyrims next Patch will include updates on Kill cams as well as its going to make you be able to use weapons and shoot bows while on horseback.

If you are a PC user you can get this right now by opting for the Steam Beta update which allows you to beta test the new patch.

This patch is said to come to Xbox and PS3 eventually but no actual date has been given.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Battlefield 3: Close Quarters DLC

DICE has sent over a new Battlefield 3 trailer focusing on June's Close Quarters expansion.
Battlefield 3 Screenshot
The DLC's set to feature four maps offering "HD destruction and frantic vertical gameplay" alongside "new weapons and persistence".
 The DLC looks very promising and apparently will also be fixing a few 'glitches' that DICE have discovered in the online multiplayer.
Watch in HD

Possible bans on xbox US sales

From the verdict that was given recently about german citizens not being able ot buy xbox products, The judge has then decided to follow this up to the US government. This could result in a complete ban of sales of Windows 7 and xbox consoles in the United states. If this decision is followed through, the final decision will be passed onto the white house where US president (Barak Obama) will choose micrsoft's sales fate.
This decision though is unlikely to follow through

Tuesday 22 May 2012

New Destiny Pics

Here are the only Pictures seen of Bungies new game Codenamed destiny which are only a logo and some art work.

From the pictures we can see that Destiny will have a Rustic/western and maybe even Post apocalyptic theme but the Logo gives the idea of one major industrial organaisation.

It is rumoured that this will definately be an MMO but will also work on consoles.
This leads to the idea of a FPS stategy where you have the playable soldiers on the ground backed up with the RTS players controlling the NPCs from above. This may work as being an MMO.

Overall Destiny looks to be a very promising and we hope it lives up to Bungies past titles.

Autumn Sales are looking expensive

Console players are looking at a jam packed autumn (Fall) schedule now that things are getting cleared up and announced. There are still plenty of titles waiting for confirmed dates but the ones that already have them are looking nice. Home consoles this year = hurt wallets. (Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Dishonored, Crysis 3, Halo 4, PC, PS3, Xbox 360)


Crysis 3 Environment 'Urban Jungle'

For almost a decade the CryENGINE has stood as the industry example of constantly improving, cutting-edge game development software. From unbelievably real environments and beautiful lighting to dynamic physics and razer-sharp AI, CryENGINE is the foremost engine for open world and sandbox gameplay.

With Crysis and Crysis 2, Crytek proved that, in the hands of its creators, this engine can be pushed to almost limitless possibilities.

With Crysis 3, they’re taking it to the next level. Whether you’re marveling at the stop-and-stare graphics, getting lost in the thick of immersive environments, experimenting with industry-leading physics, or making sanbox choices as you stalk your enemies, the CryENGINE will be taking your expectations for gaming to the next level.

Bungie Game details Leaked

According to Court documents from Activision, Bungie will be making four new Sci Fi Firsty person Shooter games Codenamed Destiny. As we know the game will be Developed by Bungie and activision which means that the game has a lot to live up to.

Destiny is expected to release its first game on Fall 2013 and will proceed to make the next four games on the fall of 2015, 2017 and 2019.

As well as this, there will be four expansions codenamed comet that will appear during the fall of 2014, 2016, 1018 and 2018.

The game will be set to launch on the Xbox 360 and Its next sucessor future console. The first game will also appear on PS3 in 2014 if the PS3 is capable of hosting the same game as the other two consoles. There will also be a PC version.

For now thats all we know and the name Destiny was Leaked in 2010 as well as an idea of Project Tiger that would be an MMO but for now Destiny is the real deal and we look forward to sharing the information with you in the future.

Monday 21 May 2012

GameBoxStudios fuggin' Update of the week.

Today was a brilliant day for GameBoxStudios, a while ago we got adsense from Google but unfortunately our advertising privileges were taken away for no good reason. However today we got them back.
 Furthermore, today we have officially started our news feed about all the latest and greatest things to hit the gaming world everywhere, as well as two new pages named: Challenges and Gaming News as you can see above in the navigation bar.

But and here's the biggun; *triumphant trumpet fanfare* today we reached our one hundreth video. Aww hayell  yeah. And here it is our 100th video!

Have a good one! Because we certainly have.


Borderlands 2

2K Games and Gearbox Software have released more information on Borderlands 2. I myself have not played any of the Borderlands games, or rather just the first one. But Dan has and he says that it is brilliant so we are very excited for the sequel.

2K Games and Gearbox Software today have confirmed the much anticipated news that there will be two tiers of the special limited edition versions of Borderlands 2 -- the Deluxe Vault Hunter's Collector Edition and the Ultimate Loot Chest Limited Edition for Borderlands 2.

-- The Deluxe Vault Hunter's Collector Edition --

Priced at just $99.99 US, the content-packed special bundle of gaming goodness that has been named Borderlands 2: The Deluxe Vault Hunter's Collector Edition embraces the very essence of Borderlands and naturally includes a copy of the base game for Borderlands 2, along with an authentic Marcus Kincaid bobblehead of most excellent artistic form!

In addition to that there is the hardbound and very collectible book "Inside the Vault: The Art & Design of Borderlands 2" that presents an amazingly fascinating look into the inspired art that became the very foundation of our continued adventure within the world of Borderlands 2, and this hardbound collectible book is accompanied by a collectable sticker set, a map of Pandora, and a digital comic download code, as well as bonus downloadable in-game digital content, creating a stand-out and impressive CE version of the game that will make even the most demanding of fans and gamers thrilled.

-- The Borderlands 2 Ultimate Loot Chest Limited Edition --

Priced at an amazing $149.99 The Borderlands 2 Ultimate Loot Chest Limited Edition includes everything that we talked about above with the Deluxe Vault Hunter's CE, but in addition also adds a collectable, scaled replica of the red loot chests found throughout Pandora in Borderlands 2, a steel book case, a "Creatures of Pandora" wide-format ID chart, and a lithograph postcard set!

Not satisfied with that, the publisher also includes a set of field notes from Sir Hammerlock, a cloth map of Pandora, and a numbered certificate of authenticity providing verifiable proof of the most excellent collected set of gaming goodness container herein!

Both of these special editions will be available for the Xbox 360 from Microsoft, Sony's PlayStation 3, and for gamers who prefer the old-school gaming platform in the form of their personal gaming rig, powered by Microsoft Windows.

We can't wait for the real game here at GameBoxStudios and we look forward to bringing you videos on game-play and easter eggs.


Sunday 20 May 2012

Skyrim Glitches....

This is James' brand new glitch for Skyrim which might as well be a full blown hack.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Skyrim: Dawnguard DLC Update

As said in a former post. Recently Bethesda has announced the first of several DLC pcakages for the Elder Scrolls V Skyrim.
The proposed DLC will be named Dawnguard which more details will be given at E3 2012. Bethesda also released a picture with this announcement as seen below.
This Announcement Agrees with some leaked information given out a few months ago which is a letter given by an ex Bethesda employee who was kicked out. He then proceeded to write this letter giving out all information he knew on the upcoming Skyrim DLC's

As you can see from the text, The DLCs will allow you to return to Morrowind and Cyrodiil to become better creatures than warewolves and continue the quest against/for the Thalmor. You will also be able to go to Hammerfell and Ride dragons which has only ever been seen in Modded versions of Bethesda games.It also states how there will be smaller DLC's aswell such as Horse armour and of course there should be some additions to spells and User Houses (Abodes).

Overall Dawnguard looks very promising and is set to quench our thirst for more quests and fun that should be introduced over the sumer. The only question is is if the DLC lives up to the leaked content. Which we are sure it will.

Crysis 3 announcement trailer

This is the brand new Crysis 3 Announcment trailer, fresh from Crytek. Enjoy

Friday 18 May 2012

Skyrim: Dawnguard DLC

Even before Bethesda released Skyrim we all knew that DLC packs would be appearing a few months later. Today, Bethesda confirmed the first of those packs, however, there’s a big “but” for anyone who doesn’t own Microsoft’s console.

The good news is, Skyrim is getting its first DLC, which will be called Dawnguard. Bethesda has only released the image you see above to confirm its existence. And now here’s the but: Dawnguard is only coming to the Xbox 360 this summer.

Bethesda has promised more detail about the new content at E3, which starts on June 5. Most concerning is the fact this only seems to be for the Xbox 360, at least initially. That makes little sense, especially when you consider the healthy following the game has on PC and the uproar caused by poor performance and bugs on the PS3 by the thousands who bought it for Sony’s machine.

Smaller Gaming News

As well as Big fat fuggin' updates to this page, for the smaller less substancial updates in the Gaming world and for general information you can check out the 'Gaming News' Section on the Navigation bar at the top.

New Gaming news

This is the First of a bunch of Gaming news updates that we will be giving, These will show details on many of the games we review and hope to review in the future.

First of all theres the news of the new Halo 4 enemies which have been leaked in the photo seen below.

These enemies kind of remind us at first of the Lambent faction seen in Gears of war 3 but seem to look very familiar to the flood. As we can see these creatures can fly in some cases and I guess can probably spit corrosive substances that can damage armour.
As well as this, Details have been given on the Limited edition of Halo 4 which will feature a steel hard case as well as 9 maps which will be delivered through three map packs which will be released soon after the Game.
A picture of the New edition can be seen below.

Finally theres the news that many of the original weapons from halo 4 will be returning such as the Sniper rifle, BR, DMR and many others. There are though many new weapons becoming available such as several covenant weapons as well as a new gun thats effectively half the power of a Gauss canon.
This will hopefully be a first of many posts giving details on relevant games and Hope you enjoy.

The GBS News department

New pages to view

Well as you may have noticed there is a brand new page in the Navigation Bar above, you can head on over to that page and see us set each other challenges... and ultimately fail.

Just an example....

This is the first of our new stash of freshly baked videos...

Shiny new videos

As of today we can gladly say that we have finally made some videos for you to see, so go ahead on over to YouTube or you can have a poke around on our site where you will soon see all the fresh new videos. We'll have 5 new Gears of War videos up soon enough - few of which are done already - and James has got some Skyrim videos lined up so you can fearfully run away from look forward to those!

Monday 7 May 2012


Dan and Kyle are now filming some lovely new Gears of War 3 Easter eggs, look out for them this evening on Youtube.